Lightsup Energy




HereUtilize Solar Power for a Better Future

Join the solar revolution and enjoy an energy-independent lifestyle.

Using sustainable power to change Africa's energy landscape

Our innovative and environmentally friendly power solutions are driving change in Africa’s energy sector. We are dedicated about bringing that future—where every house and company has access to clean, dependable energy—to life.


we harness the power of the sun to create a brighter, cleaner future for you and our planet. With cutting-edge solar solutions and a passion for sustainability, we’re here to illuminate your life while reducing your carbon footprint.

Solar Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Embrace the power of the sun with us and step into a future illuminated by clean, renewable energy. Our mission is to provide cutting-edge solar solutions that not only meet your energy needs but also contribute to a greener planet. With our state-of-the-art technology and commitment to sustainability, we are here to transform the way you power your world. Join us in shaping a cleaner, brighter, and more sustainable tomorrow.


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Residential Solar Solution

Our residential solar solutions are made to assist homeowners in utilizing solar energy and reducing their electricity costs.

Solution for Rural Electrification

We are deeply committed to providing energy access to underserved rural areas around the world.

Solution for Commercial and Industrial Use

Our residential solar solutions are intended to assist homeowners in harnessing the power of the sun and saving money on their electricity bills.

Solution for Utility Management and Smart Metering

We understand that investing in solar energy is a smart choice for both our client’s finances and the planet.